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AIX and SOLARIS maintenance commands


uname unix name, check which unix is used

uname // OS name
uname -r // OS version
uname -a // OS name, host, version

df info about disk space

df -v // percent of used blocks
df -vk // 1024-byte blocks
df -vm // MB blocks
df -gm // GB blocks


topas statistics about the activity on the local system

// all statistics
// -w WLM - WorkLoad Management
topas -w


prstat identify which processes are consuming the CPU

// -s cpu flag sorts by CPU usage (default), -n 5 flag restricts top five processes
prstat -s cpu -n 5
// -a summary of a consumption of resources by an user
prstat -s cpu -a
prstat -s cpu -a -n 5

ps process status

ps -eo pid,pmem,vsz,rss,comm | sort -rnk2 | head


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