This post lists unix command line tools which are very helpful during a work with these systems. alias create alias for a command // use aliast to a command alias ls='ls -ltr' awk // split text into tokens using '.' separator echo testFile.txt | awk -F'.' '{print$2}' // prints 'txt' chmod set access privileges to a file // owner rwx, group r-x, others --- chmod 750 fileName.txt Meaning of numbers: owner, group, others (respectively) 4 - read 2 - write 1 - execute find search for files // search for all files in a current directory and display lines with a 'stringToFind' find . -name "*.*" | xargs grep 'stringToFind' // search for a file and skipp all info about errors find . -name 'testFile.txt' 2> /dev/null grep use regexp to display lines from a file // display all lines without a # sign grep ^[^#] testFile.txt // display all lines with a # sign grep ^# testFile.txt gzip compress and decompre...