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Eclipse - shortcut keys

ctrl + O outline current class
ctrl + L go to line
ctrl + 3 entry point of everything
ctrl + shift open resource
ctrl + 1 quick fix (for example add import)
ctrl + shift + o add all imports
ctrl + shift + m add import
ctrl + 2, L assign to local variable
alt + shift + R rename
ctrl + . next error
ctrl + , prevoius error
ctrl + m maximize text editor
alt + shift + m extract method
alt + shift + l extract local variable
shift + enter new line before
ctrl + shift + enter new line after
ctrl + F3 outline selected class
F3 open decalration (go to parent class)
ctrl + H File search (rebinding)
ctrl + shift + J generate javadoc
F10 go to main menu bar
shift + F10 context menu
F12 activate editor
shift + G find references in project
ctrl + shift + G find references in workspace
ctrl + shift + U find references in file
ctrl + D delete line
alt + up arrow move row or selection up
alt + down arrow move row or selection down
alt + left arrow move to last edited back
alt + right arrow move to last edited forward
ctrl + Q last edited
alt + shift + W go to project explorer from editor
ctrl + shift + W close all tabs
ctrl + W close current tab
ctrl + shift + F4 close all tabs
ctrl + F4 close current tab
alt + F4 close eclipse
ctrl + J incremental find, write text to find (ctrl + J find next)
ctrl + shift + J incremental find previous
ctrl + F find/replace
ctrl + K find next
ctrl + shift + K find prevoius
ctrl + T type hierarchy in tooltip
F4 type hierarchy in view
ctrl + shift + T open type
ctrl + e open editors list
ctrl + tab moves forvard between open ediors (rebinding ctrl + F6)
ctrl + shift + tab moves backword between open ediors
ctrl + F7 moves between views
ctrl + F8 moves between perspectives
ctrl + F11 run aplication
ctrl + N open new
ctrl + I Corrects indentation (wcięcia)
ctrl + alt + H call hierarchy shows where method is called in file
ctrl + page up next open editor
ctrl + page down previous open editor
ctrl + alt + uparrow duplicates row above
ctrl + alt + down arrow duplicates row below
F2 info about object in tooltip
ctrl + alt + arrows smart code selection
ctrl + shift + / block comment
ctrl + / (ctrl + 7) line comment/uncomment
alt + shift + up/down jumb between methods in file
ctrl + shift + X to uppercase
ctrl + shift + Y to lowercase
alt + shift + Q, J show javadoc
ctrl + shift + L shortcuts list
alt + shift + X, Q run ant


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