sqlplus is a command line tool used to work with an Oracle database.
To disable a default human-redable format of returned data the following parameters are set: heading, echo, feedback, pagesize.
#!/bin/perl my $sqlString ='sqlplus -s user/pass@SID << END set heading off set echo off set feedback off set pagesize 0'; $sqlString = "$sqlString\nSELECT 'test' FROM dual;"; my $result; = `$sqlString`; print $result;
usage: sqlplus [-s] user/pass@SID-s parameter enables a silent mode. Only result of statement executions will be returned to a standard output (data like 'SQL>' prompt or a connection confirmation will be skipped)
To disable a default human-redable format of returned data the following parameters are set: heading, echo, feedback, pagesize.
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