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java command line tools (java, javac, jar)

javac used to compile source files (*.java)
javac [-options] files
java used to run a compiled code (*.class)
java [-options] class [args...]
jar used to archive files into JAR (*.jar)
jar {ctxui}[vfm0Me] [jar-file] [manifest-file] [entry-point] [-C dir] files
In practise:
Source for
package com.blogspot.programmerutilities;

public class Hello {

 public static void main (String[] args){
  System.out.println("Hello World!");
Location of the file:
Directory structure:
Compile source file using javac (-d option points to a directory where compiled files will be placed)
javac -d build \src\com\blogspot\programmerutilities\
After compilation a Hello.class file will be placed in \build directory (and subdirectories accordingly to the package name).
To start this application go to \build (the directory directly above the outer directory of the package) and run java tool with a full name of the class (package and class name without an extension)
cd build
java com.blogspot.programmerutilities.Hello
// Prints "Hello World!"
To create java archive (JAR) run jar tool with a name of new created archive (hello.jar) and the most outer directory of the package name (com)
jar -cf hello.jar com
After that in \build directory the hello.jar file will be placed
To check the content of the jar run jar tool with -tf options (table of content and file name)
jar -tf hello.jar
To start an application using a jar file run java tool with -cp (or -classpath) option with a path to a jar and full name of a class
java -cp /build/hello.jar com.blogspot.programmerutilities.Hello
// Prints "Hello World!"


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